- inspiredpotentials@gmail.com
Do you Have The Power of Self Expression? Self-expression is one of the oldest forms of healing on earth. In traditional cultures we see the reverence for song, dancing, ritual, and coming together in celebration of the spirit of life. When we participate in this form of celebration not only are we healed, the community benefits as well. In modern times, self-expression as a form of healing has been lost or forgotten – except for the artists who naturally bring their inner vision outward in unique and personal works of art. Through these mediums, you can discover the power of self-expression.
Inspired Health & Wellness plans consider self-expression a direct pathway into the soul of healing. Through symbolism, deep communication, and understanding each individual’s unique form of artistry we forge in-roads to our rich inner worlds.
Inspired Health & Wellness plans consider self-expression a direct pathway into the soul of healing. With symbolism, deep communication, and understanding each individual’s unique form of artistry we forge in-roads to our rich inner worlds.
“Feelings aroused by the touch of someone’s hand, the sound of music, the smell of a flower, a beautiful sunset, a work of art, love, laughter, hope and faith – all work on both the unconscious and the conscious aspects of the self, and they have physiological consequences as well.”
The journey of self-discovery is the most important journey we can take. It is an inner journey and a heroic one. The dragons to be slain are our own fears, insecurities and outgrown belief systems as well as behavior patterns and life situations. Challenges to be overcome include family, social and cultural conditioning.
What holds us back from full self-expression? Shyness. Fear of being judged. Fear of making a fool of ourselves. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. We keep peeling the layers of the onion and going deeper until we get to our core beliefs, ways of thinking about ourselves that developed when we were very young — sometimes even at a preverbal stage — and which have no basis on current reality. You too can discover the power of self expression.
In integrative mind-body medicine, we treat the person not a symptom. A holistic system considers every facet of who we are: body, mind, and spirit all contribute to our health.
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